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NABL Accredited
Accurate & Reliable
₹ 4999
₹ 3777
Ambient Noise
The background noise levels in various settings, such as homes, businesses, and factories, are measured using ambient noise monitoring. This monitoring aids in determining the causes of excessive noise, evaluating the effects of noise pollution on communities, and guaranteeing adherence to regional noise ordinances. The findings can direct noise reduction and urban planning strategies to provide more peaceful and habitable spaces.
Indoor Noise
Sound levels in enclosed areas, including workplaces, classrooms, hospitals, and residential structures, are assessed using indoor noise monitoring. In order to support a cozy and successful indoor environment, this monitoring locates the sources of disruptive noise, evaluates the efficacy of soundproofing techniques, and makes sure that noise levels are within reasonable bounds.
DG Source Noise
The noise emissions from diesel generators used in commercial, residential, and industrial contexts are measured by diesel generator (DG) source noise testing. This testing helps to lessen the impact of generating noise on nearby populations, guarantees adherence to noise rules, and highlights the need for noise control measures.
At Virat Global Lab (A Division of Aseries Envirotek India Pvt. Ltd.), we invite businesses, Industries and institutions across various sectors to explore the benefits of partnering with us for their environmental testing and analytical needs.